Raft is a fault tolerance protocol that uses state machine replication to allow a group of nodes to handle crash failures.

1. Appreciate “Understandable Consensus”

To start your Raft journey, begin by appreciating the history of what it builds on:

2. Learn the Basics of Raft

While the Raft paper is relatively easy to follow, we only expect you to understand the high level design. You may find it easiest to use the following approach:

At this point you should understand the high level ideas in Raft. Optionally, if you want to go deeper:

3. Practice What you Learned

Step through these slides (or look at the PDF) and answer the questions. If you have questions, post on Slack in #a4raft!

4. Take the Raft Quiz

Once you are comfortable with Raft, take the Raft Consensus Quiz. See the Tasks page for due dates and details on allowed material for quizzes.